Welcome Members!
Disclaimer: The content of The Open Road: Cultivating Consciousness through Divination and Ritual belongs to and is the copyright of Yeye Luisah Teish. The program and material may not be used, sold, licensed, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or from or in or on any media to any party without the prior written consent of Yeye Luisah Teish. You may download, store and use the program and material for your own personal use only. You may not republish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise make the material or program available to any other party or make the same available on any website, on-line service or bulletin board of your own or of any other party or make the same available in hard copy or on any other media without Yeye Luisah Teish's express prior written consent.
The Open Road: Cultivating Consciousness
through Divination and Ritual
Course Description
through Divination and Ritual
Course Description
What You Will Learn in This Course
Proven Methods to Cultivate Your Consciousness
This series of classes encourages participants to cultivate their Consciousness and enrich their lives by consulting oracles and creating empowering rituals (both personal and communal) from the wisdom provided by them.
How to Access Spiritual Guidance, Read and Interpret Signs
We will discuss the nature of the divinatory arts including recognizing the Omens of Nature, understanding ancestral guidance through the interpretation of dreams, and geomantic oracles such as casting cowries, coins, bones and other implements.
Proven Mystical and Magical Systems of Empowerment
Teish will share stories (some wonderful, some tragic) of her 40 years of experiences working with oracles. She identifies important symbols, and provides guidelines that empower participants to build altars, to create invocations, petitions, chants, charms and other arts to craft a ritual style based on the wisdom of the oracles.
Understanding Metaphysics and Becoming a Transformational Leader
Universal Principles are fully discussed and special attention will be given to those who wish to engage respectfully with the processes born out of the traditions African diaspora. During this course, participants are encouraged/assisted in creating a Spring Equinox ritual in their community.
This series of classes encourages participants to cultivate their Consciousness and enrich their lives by consulting oracles and creating empowering rituals (both personal and communal) from the wisdom provided by them.
How to Access Spiritual Guidance, Read and Interpret Signs
We will discuss the nature of the divinatory arts including recognizing the Omens of Nature, understanding ancestral guidance through the interpretation of dreams, and geomantic oracles such as casting cowries, coins, bones and other implements.
Proven Mystical and Magical Systems of Empowerment
Teish will share stories (some wonderful, some tragic) of her 40 years of experiences working with oracles. She identifies important symbols, and provides guidelines that empower participants to build altars, to create invocations, petitions, chants, charms and other arts to craft a ritual style based on the wisdom of the oracles.
Understanding Metaphysics and Becoming a Transformational Leader
Universal Principles are fully discussed and special attention will be given to those who wish to engage respectfully with the processes born out of the traditions African diaspora. During this course, participants are encouraged/assisted in creating a Spring Equinox ritual in their community.
Suggested Materials

Here is a list of materials that you should have in order to maximize your experience in this course:
1. A copy of the book Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Ritual by Luisah Teish.
2. A journal/notebook and pen, PLUS your favorite
beverage to sip and relax during weekly classes.
3. "Jambalaya Tea" - Yeye Teish's delicious signature blend of healing herbs. (COMING SOON!)
4. Also, Yeye Teish will suggest specific supplies for doing "spiritual work" and rituals. Some of these specialty items may be difficult to find where you live. Therefore, please visit Yeye's Global Market (on her website) to discover delightful Shopping and a list of Favorite Vendors. (COMING SOON!)
1. A copy of the book Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Ritual by Luisah Teish.
2. A journal/notebook and pen, PLUS your favorite
beverage to sip and relax during weekly classes.
3. "Jambalaya Tea" - Yeye Teish's delicious signature blend of healing herbs. (COMING SOON!)
4. Also, Yeye Teish will suggest specific supplies for doing "spiritual work" and rituals. Some of these specialty items may be difficult to find where you live. Therefore, please visit Yeye's Global Market (on her website) to discover delightful Shopping and a list of Favorite Vendors. (COMING SOON!)
Weekly Class Recordings
Resources available for listening, as well as to download and save.
Resources available for listening, as well as to download and save.
Week 1: Course Orientation
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
1) Access Yeye Teish's private Facebook Group.
This secret Facebook group is exclusively for registered members of the online class, The Open Road with Yeye Teish. P Please do not share the link NOR invite people who are not registered for the class to join this group. CLICK FOR ACCESS: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102736510243733/
This secret Facebook group is exclusively for registered members of the online class, The Open Road with Yeye Teish. P Please do not share the link NOR invite people who are not registered for the class to join this group. CLICK FOR ACCESS: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102736510243733/
Client Care
Let Us Answer Your Questions
If you have questions or need to discuss your participation in this course, please contact YeYe Luisah Teish via her business consulting representative and assistant, Leia Lewis of Solutions to Grow, at [email protected]. We are here to joyfully serve and typically respond to messages within 48 hours.